Here's the night. The mark of the end of the three years of my stay in The One Academy.
"We all began with the ending in mind, Eagerly we wait for the proceeding chapter,
We even look to each other in disbelief,
As the final chapter is being read - At least I have you;
To the top with dreams and visions,
Hoping that our dreams will set and our vision take flight,
Others has help to overlook our growth,
See us now as we take these new steps;
Knowing that we are never alone,
We brace this new future straight on
While reflecting on the good times we shared,
And nurturing the hearts of friendship that blossomed;
To my family and friends: Thank you for looking out for me,
Thank you for your support and jubilance,
Thank you for your strength and faith,
Thank you for your kindness and smiles;
Be proud my teachers and witness,
The mark we will make in near future;
To my dear teachers - Thank you for your energy,
Thank you for always believing in me,
Thank you for your patience and joy,
Thank you for your inspiration,
Thank you for your trust,
Thank you for bringing the best out in me,
Thank you for your guidance,
Thank you for pushing me to my limit,
With your courage and wisdom, I don't fear the future,
For I know your well wishes for all of us is true,
I shall forever remember you,
I wish to express my eternal gratitude and love for you my teachers;
Of the many messages I've learnt, We are many colours but we are all the same inside, our passion burns within.
Imagination glows brighter with fun, spirit and just daring to try.
Age doesn't seem to matter when it comes to good friends, it is the sharing of our hearts;
Of all the rain or shine we had together, forever we are family.
As we reach the last of the pages, I'm glad that I have such a supportive family,
Be it blood and bond, I love all of you
I hope God will bless all of you and send angels to look after you always."
For now, I bid thee adieu. I shall cherish all the memories together but still I look forward to meeting all of you in future.
That's all for now. Cheers~!
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