Random insert... I realized that I had written down some notes of after I had landed that I didn't add in anywhere. >_<
28th December 2008
the trip back was interesting since my parents was on a flight that was 12 hours earlier than mine (or was it a full day ahead). I'm still trying to get the hang of flying by myself in an aircraft. The mysteries of the check-in is much cleared up now that I had checked-in by myself.
I'm a little embarrassed to share this part of the story since it's all true and stuff... let's see. We all know that we need to make sure that the check-in luggage isn't too heavy. But flying out from australia, there are guys who would stop you and weigh your carry-on luggages...
I was stopped by the man and he weighed my carry-on. It was 9kg. The guard asked why so heavy to which I answered on the top of my mind what was mostly in the bag... "biscuits". (awkward pause) The guard laughed and asked me to follow him... I thought I was in trouble but all he wanted me to do was to repeat my answer to the other guard at the door. Which the other guard laughed as well...
He let me through in the end (the max weigh for a carry-on is 5kg by the way)... I guess it was the straight face I had when I said it, the uniqueness of the answer and creditablity that I was bringing back 9kg of Arnotts biscuits. Thinking back what was in the the bag (other than biscuits) were Sab's 2 packet of muesli oats, my 3 pair of jeans, chocolate bar, etc... [shrugs]
[reads notes] Oh yes most important this part. On the 28th December 2008 evening (when I touched down), I messaged to mumsies, daddykins, khuan (my younger sis), Jie (my elder sis), pui yee and nini that I arrived home.
Jie replied more or less "Welcome home~! I've got good news~!"
I raise my eyebrows and replied back "hehehe~! thanks~! I thought by me coming home it's good news enough" (ceh-wa~! Self-praise self-praise)
The good news: Alvin proposed to her that morning
AWESOME~! Congrats... [slaps self] talk about late good news. hahahahah~! better late than never? Fufufufu~! of course I congratulated them already la~!!!
note to self: I'll see if I can grab their wedding photos to post here... fufufufu~! Wedding's next year though. [grin]
Anywayz, the moment I got home, I immediately dumped my luggage at home and head off to Sentul to pick up Pui Yee and have our dim sum supper with Khuan. Bliss~!
29th December 2008
Morning: Mum showed me how to cook bak ku teh.
Afternoon: Saw Jie's ring
Night: Went out for dinner at Old Town White Coffee at Kerinchi and watched Bolt 3D with Nini, Aishah & Fatin
30th December 2008
Finished unpacking and went out for dinner with Alvin and my family at SS2 New Paris Chinese Restaurant (seriously don't ask me WHY it's called Paris for a chinese shop...) Decent food. Fast service~!
Finally with those really done and over with.
16th January 2009
Had wanted to meet the girls for a good dinner together after not meeting for the whole year (give and take that is). We (Sabs, Kimmy, Khuan and I) decided to eat Korean near our area.
Fabulous eats. Silly photos~! Love them.
Tried a few variations... [snicker]
A sporting look perhaps? A twist in new fashion? [lol] NAH~!
I really really tried to have a good poser look... which I failed. =P Ah well, you just can't win them all...
Delicious food. >__<
I'm full just looking at that... [burp] The night ended with each of us buying japanese ice-cream [lol] as if we didn't eat enough already that night~!
17th January 2009
We (the same gang) were to meet up for some karaoke sessions~! Can see that midvalley has the Chinese New Year decor up...
I like them. It's bright and SHINY~!!! and glittery... =^____________^=
We were smart to go in the morning session since we didn't have a booking in advance... Didn't think there would be so much people who would karaoke in the morning man~!
It was a karaoke + lunch deal... [shrugs]
Oops... All that talk and I forgot to show you the food photos earlier. [snicker] Not that there was a lot to choose from... Each we ordered one main dish, a drink, and the rest was self service. [shrugs]
Just a shot to show that we are indeed karaoke-ing and not posing with the microphones only...
I realized that we should have kicked the table across the room and not have it stuck there like that. Used the timer function of the camera.
I will add that I think I took like 4 photos all together. These are the last two. The first one... forgot to set the flash on. black. The second one.... forgot to set the timer... hahahha~! that one you could only see my thigh and the rest of the girls. [lol]
I had a excellent time and we really ought to have a good time like this again when I get back and many more. Until next time, cheers~!
Okayy, the guards must have expected you to bring back that much, else why would they laugh right? *grins* though my mueslis contributed about 1-2kgs of that 9kg. [random: lovely muesli, thanks again]
I totally forgot bout the korean makan and the karaoke session.. we had LOADS of fun ^___^. Let's do it again~! heheeh
That's what the blog is for... to jot down funny things and to remind us of past good times~! hehehe~!
Well, that's why I depend on you so I'll remember the fun stuff we did together... lolx
[swt] and I depend on the photos we've taken to remind me what happened on those days. =P
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