1st February 2009 - Klang Trip
Every year, I call Eugene over to my house to celebrate Chinese New Year (as seen in the Open House bit) and then I go over to his place to visit.
I take the KTM down to the Klang stop. Takes about 40 minutes to reach his place... and that's not factoring the time it takes the train to come (almost never on time).
In the beginning, Eugene called a whole gang of his friends to visit him. Then the next year, it was just me that went down to his place. Brought Khuan along this time round.
Can't really remember how many years it's been between us... [goes to check] Most probably right after SAM and that was back in 2003. Oh my god, I've known Eugene for 6 years already. How time flies. Hahaha~!
She got a new house last year but I couldn't go so it was my first time there.
Didn't take any photos of her new house (since that would be like invasion of people's privacy) so you'll have to make do with random photos instead. hahaha~!
It used to be that mum's friends came over to our house (my guess it's because it was the big enough to accommodate the bunch of us). The new house is pretty big and nice.
Yea.... there was a lot of people... not enough space for me to "play with the food" so I just sat it out and took photos.
Not that I was able to change place since everyone was pretty much crowded around.
When it started, there was a roar of well wishes and laughter around the table.
I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with the "Lo Hei". I have it like 3-4 times a year (around CNY of course). The arrangement of the food was pot luck. ^_^ yum yum.
7th February 2009 - June's place
I got invited to go to June's place for her open house. The only thing was she had invited like a ga-zillion people. She had invited people from her university and from secondary school.
We played mah-jong while waiting for out turn to eat. It's really saying something when one has to play mah-jong to wait for our turn to eat... [lol] That's Jess presenting her mah-jong tile.
Khuan was one of the other player.
Woan Wei wearing her bright red t-shirt~! Ong ONG~!
No money was involved though. oh well. Was teaching Zie and Jess how to play mah-jong and stuff. hehehe~!
They're pretty quick learners. Just need more practice. =P Though we really shouldn't teach them these sort of stuff.
In a random corner of the house, the host was tucked away discussing something...
I don't know what they were discussing but yea...
Got to see her handle her guitar if that's any plus point. [grin] Maybe I ought to pick up the guitar... Seems more likely to happen than the violin I guess. [lol] I don't know why but I think that violins are sexy. I bet that Pui Yee can insert a "dead chicken" comment somewhere around here. hahahaha~!
A group photo which is blur and I'm sorry... my camera is not "canggih" (sophisticated) enough. I look forward to going to your house again, June~!!! Thanks for the invite.
8th February 2009 Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) and meeting Sunny
We met up in KLCC for lunch and MPO
We had our lunch with Zie Wei. Though she didn't order anything...
We met up at Little Penang Cafe.
This was what Pui Yee ordered if I'm not mistaken. XD mind me, it's been like 8 months since I took this photo...
This is what I always order when I go to Little Penang Cafe. It's the red ruby dessert. This is the before shot..
And this is the after shot. Frankly, the previous one looks very much more appealing and stuff but I like to eat it like this. XD
Oh, other than dessert I had the assam laksa as well.. At least I think it's assam laksa... hahaha~! After lunch, Zie Wei left (yea, she only popped by for lunch)
It was quite a long while since I last saw Kuan Win. It was interesting to find out that he was teaching back in the One Academy. We'll catch up when I get back. [grin]
Later that night, I had dinner with Sunny , Sabrina...
Pui Yee and Kimberly back in Midvalley Japanese Restaurant.
This was what I got... Curry Chicken Katsu with rice and pickles.
Well, that and this. Cawamushi (I think that's how it's spelt)... [drools]
The following are food photo spams of what the others ate~!
Food photo spam~!
It doesn't look like a lot but the bowl was pretty deep so yea.. looks can be deceiving. [snicker] Let's hang out some more guys~!
9th January 2009 Mel and Chris
Interestingly enough, the last time I met Mel (yes, this is the 3rd Mel I know) was back in Melbourne (Boxhill stop) when she was going to the Melbourne Japanese Festival as I was leaving the station. Hahaha~! I saw her as she was going down the escalator and I was heading up. The world is a small place sometimes. But yea, we met up with Chris over a drink to catch up.
Later that night, I met up with some more friends.
Oops... this isn't a photo of my friends but a delicious bowl of lemak laksa at Little Penang Cafe. In case you didn't realise by now, I like eating at Little Penang Cafe in KLCC. Hahaha~!
Anyway, Chuan Lo was down in KL for a while from New Zealand~! ^_^ She migrated there with her family. It was nice to meet up with everyone again and it certainly won't be the last, ok girls?
10th February 2009 Cake
I can't really remember how this cake came about BUT if I'm right, it was a cake that mumsie and daddykins brought home from a wedding dinner. It just looked so incredibly colourful and cute that I was playing photography with the cake. This was the best shot and looking at it makes me want to eat cakes now. Hahaha~!
The next post would be the Chap Goh Mei post and that would be the last day of Chinese New Year. ^_^ Uploading these photos more or less took forever using my Internet at home.
Until next time, Cheers~!
Every year, I call Eugene over to my house to celebrate Chinese New Year (as seen in the Open House bit) and then I go over to his place to visit.
After coming back from Eugene's place, later that night, my family and I went to Aunty Lay Chooi's place (mum's friend).
7th February 2009 - June's place
I got invited to go to June's place for her open house. The only thing was she had invited like a ga-zillion people. She had invited people from her university and from secondary school.
8th February 2009 Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) and meeting Sunny
We met up in KLCC for lunch and MPO
9th January 2009 Mel and Chris
Later that night, I met up with some more friends.
10th February 2009 Cake
The next post would be the Chap Goh Mei post and that would be the last day of Chinese New Year. ^_^ Uploading these photos more or less took forever using my Internet at home.
Until next time, Cheers~!
AHHH... finally u've moved on to CNY... LOLx...
I love the Little Penang Cafe too *high 5* love the Lemak Laksa and that Red ruby dessert *drools* though it's a bad combination since 1 is hot & sour the other is cold & sweet... but it's SOO delicious.... lolx..
Let's have a ronda-ronda CNY tour... we can take turns driving *grins*
What do you mean I've finally moved on to CNY? [lol] the previous few posts were of CNY too.
=P [high 5 back] Little Penang Cafe is yummy goodness.
Yess... let's ronda about. Depends on how many of us are going, sure we can take turns driving.
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