Hey folks. Long time no see. My apologies for the epic disappearing act but I shall put more effort to cover my tracks.
To begin, frankly the main reason why the blog has been dead [prods it weak and sad being] is that my old laptop where I had stored all my 2009 photos is gone.
My poor compaq presario v3632tu...
(Taken from the Internet, though if I look hard enough through the mountain of photo folders I have, I'd probably have a photograph of my old faithful)
Now I'm typing this post using my 4 month old labbie, ASUS A52J
(Another Internet image one - sorry, the photos I take of the new labbie is not as nice as the Internet one [lol])
Anyway, I didn't get a chance to backup some stuff so I have actually lost photos dated between 090208 Chinese New Year and the day the laptop was stolen 100131 (managed to get some photos in between - those that we were lucky enough to backup somewhere) If anyone can give me at least photos of me during that timeframe, that would be awesome (though I'd prefer the whole folder).
So the post in these in-betweeners will be shorter and more haphazard than usual... I still wish it to be chronological order of some sort.
As some of you may or may not know, I was studying my Honours Degree in Design Centre, Swinburne University of Technology last year, started in Feb 2009 - ended in Dec 2009. (more info about design centre - http://designcentre.info/. I worked on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 9am - 5pm in the Design Centre Office for the 1 year (aka 2 terms).
I did quite a few motion graphic work during my time in Design Centre (http://www.vimeo.com/yychan/videos) and my portfolio (http://www.swinburne.edu.au/design/portfolios/users/ychan). Our multimedia team was always very small compared to the others - communication design and industrial design. 1st half - Andrea, Sayeed, Stephen & Evelyn; 2nd half - Andrea, Peter & Evelyn.
I really had a great time. I met some good people who I had the chance to know better over the course of the year. There was a lot of noise, drama, friendship, conflicts, fun, happiness, sadness and sometimes just pure craziness in the air of the Design Centre office; something I really cherish.
A working studio with lots of fun people (Took this photo from Jesse's facebook - thanks Jesse) {I still laugh at Tim's facial expression}
Some of my best mates in Design Centre (Sirinit, Lily, Amelinda, Nani & Evelyn) (Photo courtesy of the brilliant - Nani) [grin].
The 3 photos below are just more of our whackiness while in Design Centre (Nani, Evelyn & Lily) using the mac laptops we use to do work.
My whole design Centre family, though my multimedia manager Dylan was not here at our farewell day. =( [another photo taken from facebook]
Gosh, so many things happened in 2009 but I've lost photographic evidence. Hahahaha~!
091124 Evelyn's BirthdayWe celebrated Evelyn's birthday in Design Centre. The photo was taken with my camera phone (forgive me for the epic blurness)
Lily actually baked that awesomely delicious strawberry cheesecake.
If I can find a company to work in that was like Design Centre, I would be very happy indeed. I know that it would be almost impossible to find back here in Malaysia though so I'm making moves to find a job and be happy working there.
Til next time, cheers~!
you'll be fine. i miss you. *hugs*
snowwolf > jamie
thanks dearie. I miss you lotss [hugs] meet up with you anytime soon? call the foxy to arrange a gathering already. [lol]
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