Wednesday, March 11, 2009

10th December 2008 Williamstown

Digging into memory and these photo triggers...
I remembered that the girls had invited me to go to a beach later in the day. It was near the christmas season so I decided to explore the city...

There was a christmas setup that I know that was up and running outside Myers area.

I believe the installation was called "How Santa Really Works"

It's pretty cute since it's colourful, music played in the background and that it moves..

I'm beginning to sound like a little kid. XD

Anyway, I met up with the girls and Wilson at the city and we made out way to Williamstown.

We had set to be there at about sunset hour... Eating our dinner (I bought subway sandwich) at the beach in the sunset.

That plan sounded nice and cool... We even have a gorgeous sunset to look at...

But the reality was it was SUPER windy..

And also very cold since there was the sea breeze.

We were practically freezing while eating our stone-cold dinner.

Taking these photos with cold fingers was no easy task. I had to make sure that I didn't drop the camera and stuff.

We quickly ate our dinner and went back to the station.

I'll point out that Williamstown was at the end of well, the Williamstown line. [lol] About 11 stops from the city... Cheers~!

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