Monday, March 16, 2009

19th & 28th December 2008 Room Cross-portal

As you may or may not know, I'm now in my new apartment in the city.

19th December 2008 New Apartment

So right. After the graduation and stuff, we went back to house hunting. Remember I mentioned that there was an apartment that we thought was perfect except the only window was facing another building (in other words all you saw was a wall)...
We noted that the apartment building also had a notice with another number that was renting out a room. We call to try our luck, lo and behold... the very same apartment layout. Mind you that there was still the tenant staying in the apartment.
So the things you see here aren't all mine and stuff... It is fully furnished. The dining table and two foldable chairs are with us. It was the very same as the other apartment...
And the window actually faces outside~! As in, not feeling boxed in and stuff.
So from our window, we can see the State Library...
Melbourne Central...
and hear the busy streets below... Since I'm quite deaf, the numerous sirens and trams are ignorable. Hahaha~! 
This one will be Khuan's room...
and this one mine...
Only one bathroom...
And the long narrow corridor. All in all, it's pretty spacious. The rent was aud 390. When we found out that the rent included a cap on water and electricity, it was a done deal~! 
Explore what was outside....
My parents were relieved to note that there was a restaurant just downstairs...
Not that Khuan and I had went in there to eat yet. Hahahah~! 
Next to the restaurant, there's a Korean shop.
Up round the corner is already RMIT. Can you believe it? My sister just have to roll out of bed and she's in college already. Hahahah~!
I have to take the train... At least it's not a long train ride and I don't have to wait at richmond no more. Which is a good and bad thing since I had learned to use my time waiting in richmond to write my fiction. 
"I chose to live in the city so that it's more convenient for Khuan". My sister would debate; it was not her decision and that she wouldn't mind living near Prahran she says. 
Frankly it's more convenient for both of us. 
1. Food sold at the Prahran market is more expensive than Queen Victoria market.
2. Trains and trams run more frequently in the city.
3. There are more things to do in the city.
So yea, living in the city is the better option alright. 
I think from all the photos I've posted here... has enough information for... say... someone who wants to fire a missile to my room... [shrugs] 
It pays not to offend anyone... especially if they have access to missiles... [lol] I know, I'm being totally random~!
Here's an Indonesian shop that sells quite a bit of things which I'm familiar with...
Good thing that I ate lunch already before writing this section... I would be drooling at the computer if not. 
Oh, in case you're wondering, all these photos of the room and city were taken by dad with the SLR camera... [sigh] I miss the SLR a lot...
I must admit that the photos turned out beautifully. Helps that it was a beautiful clear day~!
City Hall~!
No matter how many times I see it, I'm always going "Horsies~!" when I know a horse carriage is passing by. There are times when I don't realize the horses carriages... when I'm rushing to somewhere or if my mind is filled with other matters...
A far away photo shot of St Patrick's Cathedral (or was it St Peter's Cathedral..) I know it's a cathedral and not a church... though I don't know the difference actually. 
A better shot of the count down to christmas banner at federation square..
Flinders Street station~! 
I took some photos while I was accompanying mum in DFO (direct factory outlet)
This lady was suspicious... I was actually trying to take photo of the shop with at least some body walking in the shot... if not, I thought the shops would look a little empty...
After the whole day of exploring the city and settling the house deposit, my parents and I went to Glen Waverley (that's in zone 2) to meet up with Dad's friend  for dinner who had migrated here. 
That was the end of that day... I'll say that after this, we had a trip down to Tasmania.. which I forgot about it until just now.. I'll post it as the next post I suppose.

28th December 2008

Mum and Dad had taken an earlier flight (they booked airasia to come and to go back). I had bought a 1 year open ticket before the option to buy airasia come. So they left at midnight while I was to take a 1pm flight. 
So after helping mum and dad carry the heavy luggage to Southern Cross station to take the bus, I got to cleaning up my old apartment....
(note that I have actually placed most of the things for this year in the store room in the new apartment - the previous tenant's lease only ends at 1st Jan and I was leaving on the 28th Dec)
Making sure that I didn't leave anything behind... throwing out the food that I couldn't keep in the storage room.
At this point, my roommates were not around anymore. Brett had returned back to America, Hanna left left just the day before I came back from Tasmania and Natalie went back to Hong Kong for the holidays.
I was just going around, saying goodbye to the rooms that I stayed for a year. 
Not that I grew terribly attached to the room or anything. Just that I'm giving thanks for  serving me for a good year.
I didn't really realized that I enjoyed the lots of time that I had for myself but I knew that I had missed being with my family since day 1. Hahaha~!
With a final glance, I left Unilodge and made my way to the airport. I'll point out here that I may have the many lucky opportunities to travel frequently but this flight back would be my very first time to check in and fly by myself.  
I photographed this because I thought it was peculiar that they used "relax" on a departure notice board. [lol]

Reporting from the photographs, it's like I haven't gone home yet. Hahaha~! But the truth of the matter would be, I'm back in Mlebourne already.

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