Monday, March 16, 2009

18th December 2008 Graduation... Again

The irony of this post would be I'll be attending my friend's graduation tomorrow. [laugh]

And here I am nicely posting these out of date photos. Oh well.

We got there pretty early in the day to get good photos before everyone came.

Mum and Dad even got me a little graduation bear. ^_^ I can still remember the flowers I got for my TOA graduation so a teddy bear is a new mix.
Dad took lots of photographs of me... So be warned that I'll be in almost all the shots...
Here's me, preparing to take the student shot. My sisters ain't missing much since it was about the same with TOA one. Hahah~! But it certainly miss the opportunity for them to come over.
Thankfully, it was nice and sunny and no wind.... Can you imagine the chaos I would be in if the wind was on high mode....
That's Jaslyn and I. We're at another building, Dad was experimenting with the different background colours...
That's me and teddy. (Come to think of it, teddy doesn't have a name yet... any suggestions?)
Oh, my dad was most amused with my barter trades... Here I'm holding Yoong Yoong's flowers.
And I placed Teddy on higher ground...
Jaslyn, Yoong Yoong and I. We're outside the Hawthorn Town Hall, where the ceremony was held... and will be held tomorrow... for the local students.
That's Su Khwin, Nita and I. I'll note here that I don't post my photos on facebook. I don't like the part of the contract where they say that all photos posted on facebook will belong to facebook...
Anyway, that aside, I'm back with teddy and returned Nita her flowers I "borrowed". Hahah~!
That's me and Jojo. She's in Multimedia. Oh, I'll note that Yoong Yoong, Jaslyn, Nita and Su Khwin are all in interior... And Man Yee, who is in the photo below.
I "borrowed" Man Yee's flowers and let her hold my teddy and her teddy. That's quite a bit of things...
Oh oh, I proposed this cute photo of teddy kissing. Hehehe~!
That's Jiew and I. He's a nice fellow. [nod nod nod] Has a good eye for photography. In multimedia. His last name is very long...
Here's Dedy (you pronounce his name as Daddy - yea.. it was pretty amusing to have a daddy in class). In multimedia too.
Just a random shot of the exterior of the Hawthorn Town Hall...
Here's a big group shot. Front L to R: Jaslyn, Yoong Yoong, Linda, Joanne and me. Back L to R: Nita, Man Yee, Yose, Bor.
A closer shot of Bor and I. He's a sensible guy and has a good head on his shoulder. Jovial~! His laughter is contagious! Was in interior. now studying cookery.
Here's Linda. She's really as cute as the teddy bear but strong willed and matured.
The multimedia people. Teehehe. Unfortunately I can only remember, Jojo, Dedy and Yui (the girl next to me)
But all's good. All that matters is we know we're multimedia people. Hahaha~!
A shot of the people who attended... that's mumsie in the blue shawl. [grinning like an idiot, waving]
"Now a word from our chancellor..." (i think)
Here's the only decent shot of me accepting the scroll. I'm super sorry of the big ugly watermark... I took it from the website... Oh, unlike the scroll at TOA where it was empty except for a "ransom note" of 'we hold your certificate hostage until you return in your student card on monday'... the one I received here really has my certificate in it and all...

I'm the student valedictorian.... Pfffttt... yea right.
At least I get to pose... Kekekek~!
Here's a cheating shot. Hahah~! We just use the chairs that were on the stage for the lecturers and there was a running slideshow behind us. It's a family shot of sorts right?
"Look, mumsie graduated~!" Yay~!
There was a long line to take photo of the swinburne banner apparently... so the five of us collaborated to take this shot. Oh boy... I'm bad with names.. L to R: unknown, Laila, Haniza, Nita and I (i think - oh I know I'm me and stuff.. and Nita, it's the others I'm not sure...)
" The usual toss the hat and then it falls and hits you on the head" shot
Out of the robes, Man Yee, Yoong Yoong, Myself with Teddy and Jaslyn.
That's Aaron and Pauline. They came a bit late...
They'll be graduating tomorrow; Bor, Raymond, Joanne and Linda. Congratulations. Heheh~!
Teddy's close up.
Teddy holding my certificate. Yay~! I've finally posted this.. Took me long enough I know. Hahah~! But you're not missing much since you've probably already seen my previous graduation ones... you might have even be in them, you know who you are. Cheers~!


Unknown said...

U're back~! [hugs]
miss ur blogs [grins]

ladywinters said...

thanks. hehehe. thought i should get back to my blog since I had been lazy during the time I was back in KL. too distracted and busy meeting up with you guys. teehehe~!

blog tends to take a back seat when it comes to family and friends... miss you lots~!