Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Interview

The title of this post sounds very much like a movie name.. Potential ring to it. Decided to google it and lo and behold, turns out that there's already a movie called The Interview (1998). Hahaha~!

Well, how was it for my first interview... Even with all the theories in mind, the real deal is still quite an interesting challenge. True enough, many tactics were done; the "I-don't-like-your-work" comment, "The-others-are-better" play, "I-can-do-this-myself" statement. I took it all and tried to defend as little, since I'm an aggressive person.. must train my mind to think faster and teach my body language to shut up.

Mr Wai Khong, I know I didn't get the job but how did I fare? Or is an interview only all about the results of getting a job? Any tips from anyone?

The few tips my parents gave me were the interviewers are there to test your stress capabilities and they want to see if you're suitable for the job and the people in the company.. My elder sis pointed out that I should take the interview as a opportunity taken, not the only solution and hope to getting a job. "Don't put yourself in the mercy of the interviewer" as she puts it.

Well, I'm believe I'm not cut out to a Designer's job with it being too project-based. Even if my skills allow it, my body will fall apart. I'm already dizzy from lack of sleep. Damn my chemically-poisoned body.. If I'm lucky enough, with enough chemicals, I can preserve my own body... Hahaha, the "Wonders" of Science.

"If you're weak at it, work at it." Arts was never a strong point for me but that's where the most improvements can be made and this will my character grow. That's if I don't succumb to the pressure and die.. More interviews anyone? Till next time, cheers~!

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