Saturday, November 18, 2006

College and its Long, Long Days

Hehe, I had my mum's digital camera with me so I took the liberty of snapping some photos when I was suppose to be doing work. Hehe, I was in New Media Studio class, in Multimedia Lab 1. How does one explain what new media studio teaches... The best way I can think of is coming up with new or more fun ways to communicate your message / idea across.
{From left to right: Vivian, Noriko, Man Meng(Tutor) in bg}

It can be quite challenging and fun at the same time. Since we're now at week 11, the project is due rather soon. Everyone's really hard at work..
{From left to right: Hong Wai, Wai Khong (lecturer), Man Meng}

After New Media class, Pui Yee and I had to rush to do our business plan and presentation. We were given about 4 weeks to handle it but due to team problems (again~!), Pui Yee and I had to do most of it.. I might add that this was what happened for our Marketing class and Consumer Behaviour class we did a few terms back.

We had nowhere to work at the college (one of the downside of my college). So I had to work here.. (I marked an x) Sad.. Note: Class ended at 12pm and Pui Yee and I had to stay back until 3pm for meeting. Which was unless in the end... [grumble grumble]

We needed to take photo of the location where we want to "start business". So I was running around Pyramid taking photos of food stalls. They were quite a bit of people in Pyramid. No surprise since the school holidays around.. I have 3-4 more weeks until the "break". Why the inverted commas? That's because of the graduation campaign activities.. Need to raise money and stuff. [sigh]

Oh~! So you know, there's this little cafe at the Ice Skating rink that serves up a delicious serving of shepherd's pie. They also serve other food there, sandwiches, spagetti.. It may come up to be a bit pricey so best to prepare some money before venturing there.

Anyway, we then made our way back to Pui Yee's house after buying dinner from Giant. I passed through this shop where Kakak works at. Hehe, it was sporting of her to pose..

Because we need to do the business plan and presentation kit by the next day, I had to stay overnight at Pui Yee's house. [points to photo above: That's Pui Yee's worktable] Why does this always happen? The only upsides of things is that I like staying over at Pui Yee's place and that I got to eat Pui Yee's cooking..

Tada~! Angel Hair Spagetti with heated tomato sauce from a can. We also had instant soup. Even though it's easy to prepare, I really appreciate Pui Yee for cooking. Doesn't it look delicious? Cheers

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