Monday, November 13, 2006

W11 of 14

It's truely scary to note that I've only got 4 weeks left to do so many things. I really want the term to end already. >__<

Sat (11/11) - Chris & I went to do our carwash turn. Yuppers~! It's a graduation thing and it's to earn money... It wasn't a problem for me to go there because Darren & I were the ones who went to find out where the location was in the first place. Here we were thinking we would be late (suppose to meet up at 10.30 at college and start the carwash at 11) but the other IL guys were later than us...

All in all, we washed 6 and a half vehicles that day. Yup, 6 and a half. Why half? We were washing one half of a car when the owner said we didn't need to wash it but just wipe it down. hahaha~!

I had spent my weekend on sorting the years of notes I accumulated during my study in The One Academy. It took me 2 days to finish. Whew~! I've glad to sort my stuff but that leaves me with my other work to do... [nervous laugh] Oh bother~!

One thing's for sure, I can so count the days to my doom with one hand. Wish me luck~! Until next time... Hope there'll be a next time. *gulp*

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