Friday, November 24, 2006

A Medley of Days

Let me say that I'm glad that the business presentation is over and done with. As you can see we were very busy during the morning of the presentation. Now, my worry is there's an exam to study for. Don't get me wrong, I rather take a test than doing a project. It's just that I don't know what to study for this subject... The horror.

Right, I made my way to KLCC on Saturday (18/11) to take some photos of the concourse area. This shot was taken by my younger sis, for I was driving. Pretty sky~!

My sister took this photo of a low flying aircraft. I couldn't even see it as it was flying above my car. My eyes were on the road, safety first people.

This is what I deem the famous tourist shot of the twin towers. Seriously. My sister took this shot at a location where tourism buses drop tourists to take this shot. The only difference is my sister is in the car and the tourist is at the road side. Haha~!

I wonder if you knew that photography in KLCC is not allowed except for the concourse area and outside in the park. I wonder why though? Intellectual property issue?

There were still a lot of people in KLCC. It's outside of the public holidays season but the start of the school holidays. I didn't expect this many people to be in KLCC. I got my mum's parking season card so I got to park at KLCC for free. Hehe~! Parking fees in KLCC is crazy.

Look~! A tailor shop with the word fox. Hahaha. Sorry, you probably won't get this joke unless you know what my younger sis nickname is.

Now this is a joke you'll probably can follow. In kinokuniya, there's this thick book that goes by the title of "How to read a book". Scary.

I have officially joined into the friendster family. The reason why I didn't want to have a friendster account was that many people had one. What changed my mind? The fact that I'm on a roll of doing new things; like having this blogspot account, setting up a deviantart account.

I came across a few photos of myself when I was younger. If I remember correctly, this one was taken in the Titiwangsa park. It was my birthday then and we decided to have a picnic. It was really fun~!

This photo is a rarity of rare. One of the only shots you can see me "shy" and in pink (I'm the one on the left, the one on the right is my elder sister). In case you didn't realise, I don't like wearing pink nowadays.

My 21st birthday is coming around the corner. Seeing these photos brings back memories that I have long cherished. Life's been good to me. I've been granted a family that loves me, friends who support me, senses which I can use to appreciate them more and a healthy, fully functional body. I look forward to such a future. Thank you to all of you for being there fo me.

1 comment:

Kssling said...


ohhh.. never knew KLCC looks soooo interesting on pictures.. LOL...actually it looks really 'happening' and stuff like that..

anyways.. no photography inside KLCC?? hum, now that i never knew.. lol..

a book that teaches how to read a book?? NYEH.. humm.. if a person doesn't know how to read a book, how can that person read da book on 'how to read a book' HUMM.. right i'm nuts.. don't mind me.. LOL


Okie dokie.. yes yes... ur 21th bday is coming up.. lol.. it will soon be ur turn to be considered 'old' :P
