The sunset's really early these days and often I miss to take a good photograph of my favourite sunset...
This is because I'm normally in college until after the sunset, doing work. Today I decided to just go home and watch my favourite sunset... I'm an odd fellow aren't I?
Anyway, like I was saying today was the last day we have classes... So I was running around with my camera and taking some random shots... (Man Yee & Yoong Yoong - both in my S&S group)
This morning I had system & services (S&S) class... I was doing the flash animation until 5am... and dragged myself out of bed at 7.30am... (Jaslyn)
To get to my 9am class (the earliest of all my classes this term).. At least I know that I will definately opt for later classes if I can... Hard to get up in the morning [lazy grin] (Sarah - in my S&S group)
Was suppose to have a mock presentation but everyone was like... lazy mode (Lee - in my S&S group). So we just showed our progress... which was my flash animation (which I worked from 8pm to 5am)
Then after class, I waited for Evelyn to come from Boxhill with lunch. She went there to change her air ticket to a later date since we had extensions and presentations. (Naomi - our cool cat artist in our 3d group)
Since I was sleepy, I took a short nap in the library (wasn't really a nap, more like rest eyes, brain still going on) (Peter - our talented sketch artist and erm... unfortunate leader in our 3d group)
Had a great lunch (fried kuey teow with chicken satay sauce & shanghai dumplings) (Jiew - our only more experienced maya member in our 3d group. Not photographed was Meredith - the poor dear broke her right wrist so she can really write / hold the mouse so she's our documentation keeper)
Was tempted to escape 3d class really...
But seeing that we have like a lot of work due... At least I was there for mental support I suppose (I did some of the modelling (the boat, seagull & fish) and creating blend shapes for the main character)
There were other groups as well... (Danny)
All working to finish as much as they can by the deadline this coming friday (6th June) (Jayna)
With so many many deadlines due... I'm really a mess. (Jayna & Steve - yea, there's another Steve in my class other than the lecturer Steve)
It got to a point that I was worried that I couldn't tackle it well... (Steve)
And Steve even came to me and he saw how worried I was and told me to smile... I was a little dazed, tired and worried.. (Steve again)
I'll get them done, by hook or by crook. But first a word from our sponsors... (KIDDING KIDDING). These are just some goodies / rewards to get me through the deadlines... (Arnotts~! Love them)
Actually the only reason I bought this was I wanted a new bottle... the old one I had was a mineral water bottle that I had since Feb and been using and reusing it... XD Thought it was high time to get a new one... (Yeo's green tea with honey lemon flavour - I really like the taste btw)
Lastly some more biscuits... [grin] Now I'll need to get back to work... I'll need to drag myself to college tomorrow after swimming (haven't gone swimming in a long while - it's autumn after all...) Until next time, cheers~!