Friday, December 29, 2006

Mr Papaya Tree

I was coming back into my room from watching tv (movie "Just Friends) when I heard a 'thud' in the garden. Sounded like a big human had just collapsed. So I went to the garden and saw that Mr Papaya Tree had broke.

It had grew too tall and was baring too much fruits and caused it to break. It had grew to more than one storey high.

Luckily it didn't fall onto either of my dogs. Though technically Mr Papaya Tree is not male or female, but a bi-sexual tree. I think. But I like to call it Mr Papaya Tree. Sounds better than The Papaya Tree or It..

It had 23 papayas but there're all not riped. We'll have papayas to last us for a long long long time. Papayas anyone?

Anyway, we already grew ourselves two little papaya trees. The legend continues... Haha. Cheers~!

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