Saturday, December 30, 2006


WooHoo~! Getting to go out at night is super fun. My dear Pui Yee wanted someone to accompany her to a "Unplugged concert" by her favourite singer, Pong Nan. Seeing that I never went to a concert so I jumped at the chance.

Luckily today I had the car and that it was not jammed. So I meet up with Pui Yee at Times Square and we ate at Uncle Lim. Not as good as our Uncle Lim night chef in Pyramid...

Night atmosphere at KL.

Although Christmas has come and gone, it seems it'll take a while before the decorations would come down.

Then again, what sort of decorations should people put up for the new year. All I know is that Chinese New Year is next. Red Red Red.

Waiting for it to be 10pm.. The event starts then. This fountain is in front of Times Square Hotel.

This "unplugged concert" was held at Wings Cafe. We were suppose to meet up with another girl to get tickets but no luck.

Nice ambience...

Hehe.. Our dear Pui Yee is excited to meet with Pong Nan.

I'm here for the drink. Heineken this time around. Taste better than Tiger, less gas. Eating with chips.

Noriko, I'm drinking for you~!

The bottle was so cute~! It's about this high. I used my hand as a measuring tool.

Lucky for us, we went a little earlier and got some seats. Wow~! A lot of people...

Pui Yee is so focused to the front. No matter, more beer for me.

Oops~! Pui Yee overheard me.

All in all, I drank 2 and a half bottles (pints) of good beer.

Pong Nan came rather punctual about 10.15pm. I found it quite funny that the audio people only started to set up at 10pm. This was how far I was.

He's cool. He can sing, play the guitar and play the piano. No wonder our dear Pui Yee likes him so very much.

The event ended about 11.20pm. He actually walked towards us. I even got to shake his hand, though I don't know why I said "Hello, sir" to him.

Haha... Must be because study too much. Pui Yee stunned and couldn't do anything (not even take photo of me shaking hands with Pong Nan) [sigh] She'll be going later (30th December night) to take autograph session. More Pong Nan for her.

I'm staying overnight at Pui Yee's house and using her internet line now. Muahaha~! My December's really fun and so unforgettable. Loads of things are happening with me turning 21 and all. I'm so excited. Cheers~!

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